Chopsticks-Fork image from bookcover of The Chopsticks-Fork Principle:  A Memoir & A Manual by Cathy Bao Bean.
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The Chopsticks-Fork Principle: A Memoir and Manual (paperback) from or click here to order it as an e-Book in Kindle format.

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Click here to order The Chopsticks-Fork Principle X 2: A Bilingual Reader (English and Chinese Edition)

The Chopsticks-Fork Principle X 2:  A Bilingual Reader

- Bennett Bean
- We Press
- NJ Humanities
- Ridge & Valley
- Jade Magazine

The Chopsticks-Fork Principle: A Memoir & Manual
Comments from Readers

The reception by readers of Cathy Bao Bean's book, The Chopsticks-Fork Principle: A Memoir and Manual (We Press, 2002), has been quite gratifying.

Please scroll down to read a selection of comments by reviewers and readers:

image of chopsticks and fork“I began reading immediately and quickly became immersed in your beautifully crafted stories and observations. Having been raised by parents of a different ethnic background, I enjoy reading the works of others who have struggled with some of the same multicultural issues. With age came the ever increasing appreciation for our family traditions and culture, and the ability to pass them on to our children.”
Maureen Moses

image of chopsticks and fork“I have been reading your book slowly.  Savoring every page, and I love it.  I guess I've gotten to see more of you than I expected.”
- Doug Anderson

image of chopsticks and fork“This book does for the mind what 'sweet and sour' does for the palate.  It is spicy and poignant; it takes your breath away and leaves you hungering for more."
- Carol R. Ochs, author of Our Lives as Torah


image of chopsticks and fork“Zany, moving, hilarious, and deep--not infrequently all at once -- Cathy Bao Bean gives us a rollicking tour of the Bean method of merging work and play while negotiating cultural and generational divides.”
- Celia Morris, author of Fanny Wright: Rebel in America and Finding Celia's Place


image of chopsticks and fork“…Bao Bean's postwar adventures evoke the America of Breakfast at Tiffany's and Auntie Mame. If these stories...remind us of nothing so much as the picaresque, we remember that the picaresque is the single most characteristic genre of postwar literature.”
Ralph V. Norman, editor of Soundings, An Interdisciplinary Journal


image of chopsticks and fork "Cathy Bao Bean writes as she speaks--with verve, flair, and bounce. Anyone with half an ear and one good eye will enjoy reading this book."
Merrill Maguire Skaggs, the late Baldwin Professor of Humanities, Drew University

image of bookcover of The Chopsticks-Fork Principle by Cathy Bao Bean
Want to order a copy? Then, click on the bookcover image above.



Save the Dates
Wednesday - Friday
June 6 - 8, 2012

Author Cathy Bao Bean will be teaching at the SVHE Summer Workshop for Teachers at University of International Business & Economics, Beijing. Please link here for more details.

Bilingual Reader
The Chopsticks-Fork Principle, A Bilingual Reader
Cathy and co-author DongDong Chen invite you to learn more about The Chopsticks-Fork Principle X 2: A Bilingual Reader (English and Chinese Edition) -- a unique, bilingual, cross-cultural reader.
Read about it

Click here to order The Chopsticks-Fork Principle X 2: A Bilingual Reader (paperback only). button and link to Cathy's book.

Cathy Bao Bean
357 Main Street
Blairstown, NJ



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